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Saturday, July 16, 2011

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream...

As a kid, one of my favorite things about summer was making homemade ice cream with my granddaddy, and cousins.

Granddaddy's  ice cream freezer wasn't electric, but an old hand crank. It was cool watching him turn, turn, turn... until that liquid inside that cylinder was delicious ice cream. He was the man!

As we got older, the task of turning the ice cream became ours. There were a lot of us, and making ice cream turned into a game, and contest. It was all about who could turn the longest without stopping. There were some other contest going on with the ice cold water. We were creative!

This week, my youngest daughter, nephew, and I made homemade ice cream. It was good! I must admit, it wasn't as good as my grandmother's recipe, but it ran a close second.

Of course I took pictures!


Vanilla Mama said...

We did that as kids too! I am going to have to do that this summer with my kiddos! Thanks for the memory!

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes! I have so many great memories of making ice cream with both of my grandmothers. I cant wait until my son is old enough to share this with him. Yummy!!

La'Tonya Richardson said...

Vanilla Mama - It's a must you make ice cream with your kids. They'll remember it forever.

Mrstdj - Aren't the greatest memories the grandparents ones! I miss mine so very much.

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