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Monday, September 26, 2011

I'm Having A Party

Almost a full week ago, I recommitted myself to doing more physically to lose weight. And Saturday, in the middle of watching another Zumba infomercial, I had this bright idea.

Check Youtube for Zumba videos.

Guess what... there are tons of videos of different trainers, as well as others with choreographed Zumba videos for people like me to dance along with. Before I knew it, I had danced, and sweat my way through more than 30 minutes of dancing.

Saturday, my 14 yo daughter just stood back watching me, with a little smirk on her face. Sunday, we danced together. She saw just how physical it was, and was wore out!

I felt like I was partying more than exercising. From now on, Zumba will be a part of my workout. I love it!

These are a couple of videos from Dars Fitness, that I added to my Youtube "favorites," and danced with. Try these ladies if you can keep up!


Kenya G. Johnson said...

Wow that looks fun. I've never tried a class because of my lack of coordination. I can going to "try this at home". I like the second video.

KCSherri said...

I've never done Zumba...and I've never crawled across a football field, either - so you go, girl!

I LOVE The Biggest Loser, btw...altho it sucked last week to just sit and watch and not be able to work out while watching (still recovering from surgery).

Good luck on your journey - take it one day at a time, and don't give up!

La'Tonya Richardson said...

Sporadically Yours - I really enjoyed these videos! I haven't found a class in my area, but the videos suit me just fine!

Drama Queen - I don't think I'll be crawling across anything else, any time soon! Hope you have a speedy recovery!

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