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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Change Gone Come

Soon, things will start to look a little different around here. I'll be changing the name, the look, and maybe even the platform of my blog.

For a while now, I've thought the name of my blog is a mouth full, and I really want something a little shorter. "40s~Reasons To Live, Love & Laugh Out Loud," stretches the length of a business card, and is hell trying to put on a t-shirt! Soon, I'm going from that loooong name to simply "40-Tude." Although the name of the blog will change, the URL, latonyarichardson(dot)com will stay the same.

I like the look of my blog, but it is time for something different. With a name change, the look has to change as well, right? Right! It's like a new hair color, it has to come with a new cut, style, or wardrobe. Like an upgrade, if you will. I love upgrades.

For a while now, I've considered changing the platform of my blog. I started here with Blogger, and considering packing up, and moving to Word Press. As excited, as I am about making changes, changing platforms really has me nervous. I am familiar with Word Press, I use it as a Editorialista for MyBlogalicious, and my church's blog site that I maintain. I've gotten the hang of it, and really enjoy it.

As things start to change, enjoy the transition with me. I feel like I'm growing up, almost like graduating and commencing to the next phase. *Insert Pomp and Circumstance*

Do you have any suggestions to make this transition easier?


Vanilla Mama said...

Can't wait to see the results!

Panamamama said...

I've been thinking about switching to WP too. There is a WP conference in Fayetteville I went to last year that's fun.

Unknown said...

Vanilla Mama - And I a so looking forward to it. I promised myself I wouldn' rush through it, that I'll take my time.

Panamamama - There is another WP conference in Fayetteville this summer. For that pric, I really need to be there!

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