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Monday, February 28, 2011

Pampering For Progress

Last week's training left my feet tender, and sore. With the help of my walking buddy "D," I completed 16 miles. In preparation of this week, I pulled out my foot spa, and got my pamper on. My feet and I have a very special relationship, and if I don't take care of them, they won't take care of me!

I've walked before, but this time it's different. Walking with a partner who has run marathons is great. She really pushes me, and gives me the confidence to go a little further. We're walking 4 miles in an hour, and on Friday, running helped us finish in less than an hour.

I've always said, I'm NOT a runner, and meant it with every fiber of my being. But last week, I ran further than I ever thought I could, and more than I have in years. That doesn't mean I ran far, it just means I ran. I'm not even saying I'm a "runner," or that I even enjoy running, but there are definitely possibilities.

This week, I plan to do the same distance, and run a little more. I've even set a goal for myself... I will run at least one full mile during the 10K.

Follow along with my progress weekly on Twitter #onmywayto10K.


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