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Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Re-reading List

I used to read all the time. Emphasis placed on "used to."

When I'd finish one book, I HAD to have another. It was like I was addicted to reading. I'd read and watch TV, and go to bed with a book, to read myself to sleep. There have been a few times, I actually read all night. Needing to read the next chapter would turn into the next chapter, and the next... Before I'd know it, it would be the next morning.

I'm embarrassed to say, I have driven with a book in my lap. When I stopped at a light, I'd read. The kids would tell me when the light turned green.

Recently, I learned Toni Morrison will be turning 80 this month. That's a great reason to read "Sula," again. Searching through my bookshelf, "A Lesson Before Dying," by Ernest Gaines, actually jump off the shelf at me. Before finding "Sula," I spotted the first Eric Jerome Dickey book I ever read, "Cheaters." I loved that book, and I fell in love with his writing after the first chapter!

I had to stop myself, three is about all I can handle for now. I was quickly on my way to books in my bag, on my night stand, and who knows where else waiting to be read.

One of my favorite question in magazine Q & A's: "What book(s) are you reading? Today I have an answer. A month ago, I could only be asked what blogs, or magazines I'm reading.

What's on your reading list?


BessieAkuba said...

I'm like you..I use to be addicted to books! I am trying to get back to that. It all stopped once I had my daughter. I can't believe Toni Morrison is turning 80 WOW..time is flying.

Notorious Spinks said...

You know I read alllll the time. LOL! If it were not for books I don't think I'd be sane.

La'Tonya Richardson said...

The FabDoGooder - I don't know how or when I stopped reading! I know, Toni Morrison looks good!

Notorious Spinks - I feel you! Reading used to be like my Calgon, it takes me away!

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