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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Guess Who's Getting a Blog Makeover?

Me! Me! Me! Me! It's Meeeeee!

For the longest time, I've wanted a new look. There was just this one problem holding me back. Okay, two.

First, I didn't know what I wanted. I knew what I liked about others peoples blogs, but I still wasn't sure. I couldn't possibly combine allll of that!

Second, and this is the biggy... that other obstacle is me. I was just over thinking it way.too.much! When it comes to getting a hair cut, I'm all in. Just do it. If it gets jacked up, we'll cut it all off. I can always start over, it's just hair! And then there's... my blog being a direct reflection of me, and I want to make sure everything is perfect!

I looked at a lot of blogs, and websites of blog designers, checking out their portfolio's. Okay, I'll confess, I've been lurking and stalking since my bloggyversary in September. And there is some really good stuff out there.

Last week, I took the plunge, sent an email, got a response, and I'm getting a new look. Amber, for Designs by Amber is on the case.

Her portfolio is the bee's knee's. Instead of giving her a headache with a whole lot of direction, cause, I still don't really know what I want, other than orange, and fun. I am totally confident in her abilities.

So one of these days, you're going to click on my link, and boyaw, I'll have a new look, and new attitude! Maybe not the attitude, I was feeling all Patti LaBelle for a minute.

Check her out, she even does Twitter backgrounds. How cool is that!


Stacey said...

How fun! Can't wait to see the new look.

confused homemaker said...

Very cool, I'm all about bloggy makeovers :) Because it is like a fresh new look for us as writers. Can't wait to see it!

KCSherri said...

Can't wait for the big reveal! :)

African American Mom said...

Man am I jealous. I tried no ttoo long ago to make over my blog but it is still not to my satisfaction. I can't wait to see your new look.

cocoamommy said...

Excited to see your new look!

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