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Monday, December 21, 2009

Pressed Down, Shaken Together and Runnining Over

With seven people in our house, so far, I've washed a lot of laundry in my lifetime. There is no time to complain about it, like Nike, I just do it!

Instead of having a 'Laundry Day,' and trying to finish, (because that would never happen). I just wash an average of three loads a day. In a year's time, 365 days, that's 1,095 loads of laundry a year. Whoa! I'd never did the math before. In the 19 years I've been married, that's a whopping 27,375 loads of laundry!

Recently, the laundry seems to have to bottom. Each piece of clothing I remove from the 'Black Closet,' another replaces it. Sorta like a starfish growing another leg.

Like I said, there is no use in complaining about it. I've adopted the attitude... If we have dirty clothes, we are blessed to have clothes to wear, and a variety.

If having an ever over-flowing laundry was a sign of wealth, I'd be richer than Bill Gates. Booyah! How ya like me now! On to another 27,375 loads. Catch me if you can (or want).


Nicole said...

You are so right! Washing a few loads a day is the best way to do it. I wash me and my husband's and my girls wash theirs bit with our busy lifestyles it can tend to pile up a little bit every now and then.

alessandra said...

We are four, and I make a load per day, I cannot reach you ;-)

Danna Ntaka said...

You are a smart lady. We also wash about 3 loads everyday at our house. Laundry can definitely be a 'mountain'. As the old saying goes, we have to decide which mountain in life we wish to die on! Career girls have so many duties. Your newsletter is refreshing. Keep laughing out loud.

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