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Friday, August 21, 2009

Drive by Shooting

My family and I were driving home after a Sunday evening visit Grandma. Getting off on our exit, we saw this beautiful sunset! Of course, I always carry my camera in my purse for opportunities like this.

And wouldn't you know it, the batteries were dead! I grabbed my cell phone and took this picture, while cars were lining up behind me. We live three blocks from the exit. I flew the rest of the way home and hurriedly found a set of batteries, and rushed back. Mr. Husband couldn't believe I was trying to go back to take a picture. Are you kidding me! This was awesome. The picture from my camera didn't come close.

This reminds me of the book, "Their Eyes Were Watching God," by Zora Neale Hurston. Teacake asked during a hurricane, "Janie, whatcha doing?"

"Watching God," she said.

And that's all I have to say about that!


mr. nichols said...

incredible capture. very spiritual indeed.

TheTinyJEWELBox said...

now THAT is gorgeous!

MadMad said...

Oooooh, that IS a beautiful picture! You are awesome to have gone back to get it; I always get too lazy about things like that - Good for you! So worth it!

August Mayfield said...

What a beautiful story and your photograph captures nature at its best.

I heard about the book Their Eyes Were Watching God, but I've never read it but I was fortunate enough to see the film about a month ago which I enjoyed so much.

Your words to capture the image Their Eyes Were Watching God is so appropriate. Thank you for sharing your moment in time.

August Mayfield

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