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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Eggceptional Easter Egg Decorating For Teens

Hipity-hopity Easter's on its way! Although my youngest children are now teenagers, they still want to decorate Easter eggs. It just means we have to be more "sophisticated" in our methods. The dyeing methods we used when they were little kids are no longer "cool."

I went on an Easter egg hunt of my own to find the coolest, and fun egg decorating tips worthy of a teenagers short attention span, and need for something different.  This is what I found:

Incredible Edible Decorating, Dyeing and Crafts

Kool Aid Tye Dye Eggs

Better Homes & Gardens Easy and creative egg dyeing

Momtastic 20 Fresh Ways to Decorate Eggs

Hand written Sharpie Easter Eggs

I'm really excited about decorating eggs with my girls. Maybe we'll invite a few of their friends over for an eggceptional time. Pun intended!


Lisa Newlin said...

You guys will have a blast! When I was in high school, I was obsessed with Martha Stewart. It was pre-the whole Federal crimes thing.

I found this idea to decorate eggs, blow the insides out, put a small opening in the bottom and make them into egg lights. It was awesome until I realized I could have purchased egg lights for about $10.00. Ouch.

I was a really big nerd in high school. Still am.

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