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Monday, August 1, 2011

I Cooked, I Ate, I Gained

This summer I've had a lot more free time than summers before! For the first time, I took advantage of the "teacher break," along with my kids. If I did nothing else this summer, I cooked *whispering* and ate!

I made new dinners, old dinners and plenty of desserts! During the course of the summer I've made sweet potato pies, cheese cakes, my very first bread pudding, banana pudding, and homemade ice cream. Baby girl has also made several batches of cupcakes, with her very delicious cream cheese icing. And I've eaten almost!

Last week my daughter commented, "You've cooked like Sunday all summer long." 

Not only have I cooked like Sunday, I've cooked like every other day of the week. I've also made less heavier meals. But the fact still remains, I've eaten a lot of everything. And it is showing up.

Out of curiosity, I stepped on the scale a few mornings ago, and every morning since to see if there's been any change. Each time it says the same thing... I've gained about 5 pounds. I was horrisprised!

I tried on a pair of my dress pants, and they fit a little tight snug. So I tried on another, and another... and they were too. It looks like I might have to go back to class in loose fitting dresses!

Excuse me, I made a cheese cake Saturday, and it's calling my name. I know you thought I was going to tell you about starting a fitness program to get rid of the extra weight. I chose not to lie to you right now, and fooling me doesn't work any more.

I'll let you know when.


Unknown said...

LaTonya, how wonderful, home cooked meals are a rarity these days and if we must put on weight let it not be from some fastt-food deep fried, meat surprise compositions. Besides it looks like everyone is appreciating your efforts and it's got your daughter baking and in the kitchen, also a good thing. As far as the 5 lbs I am sure they will come and go again in the meantime it looks like you've got it on your radar and I am sure you'll be fine. I also have always wanted to make bread pudding and after reading this I think I may have to give it a go. God bless hugs, and prayers Patricia

Lilith said...

loved this blog....esp 'Horrisprised' !!!! and, to cheer you up, I always find if I've put on a little weight, my metabolism increases or something,so as long as I exercise a bit more, before cutting down on food again, the weight will just easily drop off again. There you go, I think you must keep eating for a while more! Apparently, its counterproductive to suddenly can gain weight (your body thinks it's a famine and will lower metabolism to conserve I've read)

Kenya G. Johnson said...

Ha ha! Eat sweets, be merry and worry later. I'm sure you only have minutes left in your summer time off. Enjoy!

MOMSWEB said...

A minute on the lips, forever on the hips! I'm sure you won't let it stay there forever. :)

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