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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Scrambled Omelet Pita

When I write about food, it's generally about dinner, but today, it's all about breakfast.

Because my kids are usually running to catch the bus, this school year I started making their breakfast-to-go. I wanted breakfast to be more than a bar of something they'd inhale in one bite, and hold them longer than an hour.

I think it's safe to say, I've burned them out on pancake sandwiches, and they're really close to burnout with the sausage/bacon biscuit... and breakfast burritos. I'm tired of making them if they're not tired of eating them. Sort of like dinner, I'd like a little more variety to breakfast.

Recently, I saw a picture and recipe for Scrambled Egg in a Pita, and I set out to make my own.


Chopped ham (or meat of your choosing)
Red onion
Bell pepper
Black olives
Shredded cheese
6 eggs (beaten)
6 Pita halves
(or any fixings your family likes in omelets)

After browning ham, onion, bell pepper, and olives together, add beaten eggs, stir until done. While still in the skillet, top with shredded cheese, and allow to stand for a couple of minutes, until cheese melts. Spoon eggs into pita bread. Devour!

I don't know why I didn't think of this before, my family loves omelets. This is simple, but with all the omelet flavors they love.


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