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Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Best Spring Break Ever Part 3

Me and a little one riding bumper cars

Thursday of Spring Break, the children and I attended a birthday Party at Playtime Pizza. It's all the Pizza and food you can hold, and fun under one roof. My plans were to eat a little, let the kids enjoy themselves for a couple of hours, then go to my parents house. Things didn't workout that way!

I was asked to ride the bumper cars with one of the little boys. The party kids are all first grade, and don't meet the height requirement. It all went up hill from there!

Watch out BELOOooow

Actually it went up the wall! While standing in line with the kids to ride bumper cars, then race cars, I watched that rock wall. I've always wanted to climb one, and that day was just as good as any! Yes, I made it to the top, twice! I was so excited! Even with those clog shoes on, I made it!

Baby girl getting her hula-hoop on!

We had no idea that day Playtime Pizza was having a Spring Break party. There was a hula-hoop contest. Baby girl won a $5 game card, and 14 year-old middle daughter won a $25 game card hula-hooping. She was three seconds from breaking the record, when that hula-hoop dropped to the ground, after nearly 8 minutes!

There was also a limbo contest, and line dancing! I love line dancing. After taking this picture, my son and I got our line dance on! We did the Cha-cha slide, Casper Stomp, and others. I had a great time.

The kids also played laser tag, golf, and other games. We made it to the party at 3:30, and finally left at 8:30. Yes, we were there for 5 hours! I wanted to stay till close, 10 o'clock. We weren't through having fun. But... Mr. Husband was meeting us at my parents house, and he forgot his key.

Party pooper!


Veronica Lee said...

Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.

Krystal Grant said...

Seems like you guys had a great time. For our spring break the kids and I slept in late, ate a bunch of junk food and barely took baths! LOL. It was great!

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