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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Best Of 2009

The Best Of...

I ran across another blogger's post, The Best of 2009 Challenge, and I'm sorry, I don't remember who it was. Although I don't want to do 'the challenge,' I thought it was a good idea, and wanted to use some of the prompts.


1. Trip - Spring Break, we took the kids to Dallas, and had a ball. The high light of the trip was the Dallas Aquarium. You do know I'm looking forward to Spring Break 2010, right? Eleven weeks and counting!

2. Website - UAPB-Ning site and Face book. Through both sites, I have reconnected with old college, and high school friends, and people I passed by in the halls. It has been really great!

3. Television show - Real Housewives of Atlanta, hands down! Don't be tardy for the party! About a month ago, I did a little flip thing with my hair, and Mr. Husband, along with a few others said I looked like Kandi. Wow, was that an ego boost!

4. Song - I've Got A Feeling, by the Black Eyed Peas! They opened Oprah's block party with that song, and a flash mob dance. That song is my Theme Song for 2010...

I've got a feeling, that 20-10's gonna be a good year, that 20-10's gonna be a good year, that 20-10's gonna be a good, good year. Twenty-ten's the year, so live it up, I've got my money let's spend it up. Go out and smash it, like OMG, jump off that sofa let's get, get off! ...

5. Game find - Wii! If I had known we was THIS MUCH FUN, I would have bought one long time ago. No one fully explained just how much fun it could be!

6. Embarrassing moment - Finishing the Capital City Classic 10k, DEAD LAST! Read Finishing The Race.

7. Accomplishment - Coloring (actually bleaching) my hair, jacking it up, and it still having a head full to comb, and style. It's a miracle I'm not wearing a wig TODAY. Read DIY Hair Color: Not A Good Idea.

What I'm looking forward to in 2010

1. Redemption - I'm going back to that 10K, and I'm going to beat Thelma & Louise, as well as the staggering walking man. I would like to do a half marathon, but before I can do that, I MUST face the dragon!

2. Blogalicious 2010 - I missed it in 2009, and I plan to be there in October!

3. Finally reaching my goal weight! My goal date is my birthday, May 16. I have five months to successfully lose 14 lbs. That's doable!

I'm sure I'm missing some really good best, as well as awesome things I have to look forward to. One thing is for sure, I'll blog about them along the way!


African American Mom said...

Dont' be tardy for the party! I loved it!

Nicole said...

Never heard of blogalicious so I have to definitely save the date, being that I am already in Florida it will only take a few hours to drive there.

Deidra said...

Here's to 2010 and you finishing ahead of somebody!

nope said...

14 lbs by May 16? You can do that easy!

Cheers to 2010 and for reaching toward your goals!!

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