Last week 13-year-old middle daughter had two basketball games. Monday, night it cost $20, and an additional $20 for Thursday, night. Friday, it cost our family $30 to attend my son's game.
This week: Monday, 12-year-old middle daughter had a game at 4p.m., it cost $6 for Mr. Husband and I. At 6:30 p.m. the same evening, 13-year-old middle daughter's game cost five of us $20. And this is not the end of the week, or games. Thirteen year-old middle daughter has another game tonight, and tomorrow my son has a football game. Whew!
In the past two weeks, not including what we're going to pay tonight, we've paid $96 to see our kids play basketball, and football. This doesn't include all of the previous football, and soft ball game admissions, tournament fees, and all the stuff that goes along with it like gas, food, shoes, t-shirts... you understand.
I didn't consider the cost of my children being so athletically inclined, until now. When I started to add things up, I was stunned! They're not just good athletes, they're good students, and the investment we're making in our kids is priceless. I wouldn't change a thing!
I remember the days my mother would pull up, honk her horn, and we'd run out, heading to some practice, lesson, game, or meeting. Now, I'm doing the same with my children. And they will do the same with theirs, I'm holding them to it!
I do have one question. Can we put all of that on our taxes?
I just look at it as an investment in a (hopeful) college scholarship one day that will save me lots of $$$$ at that point! :)
I don't know how you find time on your calendar to do all of that - I was exhausted just reading it!
I am so with you on this. Our kid won the championship and all season the coaches talked about how they win a championship jacket if they go all the way. Well after 40 bucks for the end of year banquet and then getting an email from the coaches letting us know the jacket they promised is ONLY $70, I am so over it!
I didn't realize parents have to pay to attend a game for their child! Wow, okay. Need to start saving for this now but I agree, it is worth it.
And I also want scholarships for my kids, athletic or academic.
Wow! That is stunning! I wouldn't have thought much past 'how much will the uniform and the team picture cost me?' Who knew going to see your own kids play would be so much?!
Drama Queen - You know it's all about about the future and scholarships for college!
Chief - Oh yeah, trophies, parties all of that is up to the parent. Literally we have 3 dozen trophis, and about that many medals. Seriously. Wow!
Jonsie - Yep! Our little league softball and basket ball games used to be free. Last year we had to start paying. There were some pretty unhappy parents. This is at the Y, where we're paying MONTHLY dues. Crazy, huh?!
Hurstburst - Admission is always an after thought with me. When we don't have to pay admission, I'm thrilled!
Gosh, paying amounts like this just to watch your own children play sport seems exorbitant! I understand the need for fundraising and covering costs, but surely it would benefit teams to have as many family members and friends as possible supporting their kids without putting up such expensive barriers.
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