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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Idea Clinic - Week 4

Although this is the last post in this series for the month of April, I will continue the Idea Clinic, at least once a month. I hope this month you've started to look at everything around you as a possible blogging idea, or at the least a source for one.

Materials needed:

Idea Notebook

Week 4 - The Long Way Home Exercise

We are creatures of habit. Each day, I drive to and from work taking the same route, and chances are you do the same thing. I can probably drive to work with my eyes closed. Truth be told, I might as well have my eyes closed, I pass the same things so often, that I no longer see them.

Several weeks ago on my way to work, I noticed flags hanging from poles all the way down the street for several blocks. They read, "Change Your Life." Apparently they've been there a while. I just never saw them. That leads me to the exercise...

Take an alternate route home, to and from work. Even if doing so takes you longer, or out of the way. While you're driving or riding notice the people, places, or things you pass or encounter. Log five writing ideas in your idea notebook.

Assignment: With one of those ideas brainstorm, research, interview, and/or make a visit. Write a post, making it work for your blog. Don't forget to link your post in the comments of this post.

If you're just joining the idea clinic, the following is what you missed:

Week 1 - Yellow Pages Exercise
Week 2 - #Hashtag Exercise

Week 3 - Magazine Exercise


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