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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Signs Of Spring

It's the first day of March, and Spring isn't official until the 20th, but we're experiencing #SignsofSpring already. We've had a very mild winter, in fact February has seen most of its days 60 degrees, and above. Those temperatures have produced budding trees and flowers, as well as the return of some animals,  along with creepy crawly things.

Through out the month of March, I will share on Twitter #SignsOfSpring that I come across. Join me in watching and documenting the change of season. Below are a few signs I've spotted so far.

What #SignsOfSpring have you noticed in your neck of the woods?

The daffodils are in yards, on the side of highways, around stop signs... It should be the state flower.

I know it's Spring when the ants show up to party! The rest of the the spring/summer season we'll be fighting ants.

Each spring geese return to a pond near my house. They lay their eggs, and do what they do. Soon there will be literally a drove of geese at this one location, and I love it. At times they cause cars to stop and wait, while they cross the road.




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