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Friday, March 16, 2012

A Little Bit Of This, And That

This picture is as random as the
three topics I wrote about today.
I can't wait to
Today is Friday, and I've only blogged once this week so I have a lot to talk about. This post is more random than anything... all over the place!

Me & Coca Cola
It's been 23 days since I've had a Coke. I didn't intentionally stop drinking Coke, it just kind of happened. I got sick with a slight case of the flu, and didn't drink any. When I realized it had been three days, I then consciously made a decision to go five days, then nine.
Whick brings me to day 23.

I don't like to set goals for an extended period of time, it's like setting myself up for sabotage. But... I would like to try to make 100 days Coke free. That's June 1st, and 77 days to go. Instead of looking at the big picture, I'll break it down into smaller pieces, until I reach 100 days!

5K Training
In Not Tardy For The Party last week, I told you I started a Walk to 5K training program, and this week hasn't been the best week for walking. As of today, I walked two days this week, and jump roped another. This morning I almost didn't walk at all, because of a slight headache. Instead giving into excuses, I took two Excedrin, and soldiered on, glad I did!

Last week instead of doing just as the plan said, walking and running, I walked only. I'm not a runner, and pushing myself to run right out of the gate would not be smart. This morning, after warming up, I walked four minutes, then ran one, and repeated for 2 miles. To others my running may look like walking really fast leaning forward, but it is what it is! OMG, one minute is a very long time! I survived, and was really proud of myself!

Since I won't be able to be a part of the Heart & Soul 5K on May 12, I will walk/run a 5K the week of my birthday, the week after. I'll invite my friends and family to join me.

Organization is Key
This morning, my 15-year-old  stuffed her softball uniform in her bag, and ran out of the house to catch the bus. Shortly thereafter, I noticed her books had been left behind! Guess who had to take them to school? A counselor laughed, and said she got the most import thing!

I'm always staying on her about being organized. Knowing the bus comes at 7a.m. every morning, and that she's super slow, she should get EVERYTHING together the night before. But it seems the more I talk... the crazier I get (got that one from Mr. Husband).

I'm inspired to be more organized, when it comes to time management.  As I do more, I've realized, scheduling things to ensure it gets done, is a good idea. Currently, I'm trying to work an editorial calendar, along with my idea notebook. It's very important for me to stay on top of dates, topics, and titles for other sites I write for, which will help with record keeping. If I schedule time for walking, writing, updates... I wont feel overwhelmed.

Over spring break next week, I plan to come up with a schedule, and stick to it!


Rebecca =) said...

This is great! I love that you're sticking to your 5k plan, and that you're giving yourself permission to do it on your birthday! I should set such a goal...

Also- I had to laugh about your daughter and her softball uniform and books. That could be my house! I finally set an alarm on my phone to go off at 9pm every night with a note that says, "get stuff ready for school." When it goes off I send kids to get their bags together. It's not perfect, but it saves me some headaches. And gas money. My next step will be to have the kids set the alarms on their own clocks or phones. Someday. When I remember. (Yes, my kids get this from me.) =)

Thank you for posting! I love reading about great people!
Rebecca =)

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